Friday, October 16, 2020

10/16/20 Week 6: Differences in Emotional Expressivity


Differences in Emotional Expressivity

The emotional expressivity scales.

On this scale, we realize that the emotions cause misunderstood making us feel negative feelings toward who has a different way to show their emotions.

The professor talks to us about the public showing of emotion. He gives an example based on a real bloody operation where who was from ethnic groups show them their emotions, while those who were from Asia did not show them. It takes place when students were in a group. I was amazed at the auto control of the Asians to avoid the emotions. It is difficult to understand these reactions. In my case, I will show them.

This example helps me to know that there are different expressed emotions when we are in public but these don’t pretend to make us believe that there are people without emotions because, in a private place, the emotions of us are very similar.

Cultural misinterpretation and how easy it is to do.

The professor gives an example of him studying languages and changing roles with a female student taking a draft of a friend advising her that it is better to choose the Spanish than the French. I realize that he was talking about expressing weird emotions. If before you don’t see them, you can think in a negative way. It is challenging to not feel us weird when we see stranger emotions that we do not know them.

They were passed down subconsciously, through the culture.

We grew to learn and manifest emotions around us earning experiences. These form our sense and our reactions. Sometimes subconsciously the gestures gain to the logic expressing emotions without we realize them.

1 comment:

  1. It is true. Sometimes our gestures subconsciously express emotions without us being aware of them. Life is a path of learning and the feelings that we show in certain circumstances or states are part of them.


10/26/20 Week 7: Culture and Psychology

 Culture and Psychology Culture has a way of shaming people in situations where they would not be shame in other cultures The public transpo...