Tuesday, October 13, 2020

10/13/20 Week 5:Cultural Differences Concerning Time

The schedule is like the holy scriptures for monochronic people.

Latin Americans are generally very sensitive about possibly hurting feelings

I realize that time is sacred in the USA. It is difficult for me because I grow thinking that the most important was the person around me. If someone arrives late, I imagine that he o she has justification for that. I try to arrive on time for my meetings, having hope to receive the same tread. 

“As anyone who has had experience with our bureaucracies knows, schedules and procedures take on a life all their own without reference to either logic or human needs.”

What are the consequences? “that is at least partially responsible for the reputation of American business being cut off from human beings and unwilling to recognize the importance of employee morale."

the heyday of American business Employees are just means to an end, not like members of the family

“Morale may well be the deciding factor in whether a given company makes a profit or not.” 

"In fact, outsiders traveling or residing in Latin America or Mediterranean countries residing in Latin America or Mediterranean countries find the bureaucracies unusually cumbersome and unresponsive."

The reputation of American business needs to consider the morale of employees. We live in a society where is more accessible become to be an employee than a man business. In my country, the opportunities to be a man business is complicated. It includes a large process with a list extensive of requisites that seem a delay that a benefit to the enterprises. The bypass is a reality if you have connections that help you to accelerate to be a man business, in other ways, acquaintances.

you're not going to get anything done unless you have friends to help make things happen

It's very hard to get things done without connections

When I was applying for a job once, I sent out 77 resumes. Got no hits at all. And then one time, I ran into this guy at church who said he knew of a job, and I got it. It was interesting.

 An amazing network that really helps us in life in so many ways

Walking for the streets of my country, I need to apply for a job. I have connections but I want to make that without help. The days following their course and I didn't found anything. After that, I meet with my acquaintance and boom I got it. Why are enterprises searching for new employment if the job will be it occupied by some acquaintance or friend of those who already work? 

People waste your time sending resumes, curriculums vitae with the hope of getting a Job but coming another and with a call toward an acquaintance or a friend got it. It seems magic.

I think that should be the same way to get a job.  This situation also affects our lives in the shopping, deliveries at home, and the sending by anyway.

What Is The Difference Between a Monochronic and Polychronic Culture?

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