Thursday, September 24, 2020

9/24/20; Week 02: Response to "Is the Great American Teacher Dead?"

Satyrus enunciated the exact same words in a way that was more powerful and compelling. It seemed to Demosthenes that it could not really be the same passage. This experience convinced him of the overwhelming importance of delivery

The ways in how we manifest our statements have a grant influence in who receives it. The word used isn't sufficient to transmit knowledge and understanding. Every teacher has a deep need to search and to found the way more powerful and compelling in the process of delivery. 

The concept that education is more than just exposing people to the facts. It is an acquisitional process that without the proper delivery system, tends to fall flat.

The proper delivery system can be a challenge because there isn't a definite way. The Raising Instruction John J. Ivers gives us important steps to strengthen our proper delivery system.

Bauerlein (2008) Implied that teachers are abrogating their responsibility to be real educators with lack of motivation and inspiration. 

The disengagement and the suspended improvement in students implied also the responsibility to be aware of their own learning and their knowledge to be a positive influence in his environment of learning.

Bauerlein (2008) He maintains that student culture is a place where high-quality performance is very often found wanting

Students and Teachers are waiting that someone to do the difference to feel the high-quality performance. They need to realize that the influence of one can make the beginning of a complete change.

One of the threads emerging from the above studies seems to be a considerable lack of depth and a concomitantly severe lack of inspiration.

Educators and learns seem had procrastinated the travel to be more depth and more inspirational in their responsibilities.

If one believes he or she is engaged in a great work, one’s comportment and bearing need to be proportionately reflective.

Recognizing our lack of depth and Inspiration in the teaching helps us to found new perspectives that change us our paradigms at the time to teach.

This claim is bolstered by Nilson (1998), who says that critical thinking in college students is best enhanced by dialogue concerning intriguing questions, exploring the unknowns, and new ways of looking at the world.

 The Critical Thinking used in dialogues performances the teaching and transform the environment became a place where there is a constant wish to investigate and to share our thoughts.

Dirkx, Mezirow, and Cranton (2006), claim that great teaching should consider challenging

The challenges situations that front us turn on the preoccupation and need to act in different ways to be aware of our delivers.

Could it be that learning about diverse paradigms, besides adding depth to the curriculum, might have a positive effect upon the student’s ability to overcome personally destructive elements in his or her culture (Ivers, 2005; 2007)?

Yes, because the efforts to be emphatic with others, open the mind having like consequence more tolerance and comprehension at the point of questioning if paradigms are so destructive as to have a change. 

Speaking of cultural differences, researchers have discovered a positive correlation between human achievement and being raised in an environment that is rich in cultural diversity. 

Many universal elements permeate all cultures and leave their mark on the emotional and cognitive fabric of our lives. According to scientific research, going deeply into the paradigmatic realm in teaching can have added benefits.

The factors externs like hunger, injustice, alienation, poverty, and war that environment us from our birth, companion us in our life have a deep impact on our paradigms and stereotypes whose influences to achieve success or not. Those factors have grant influence being difficult to overcome.



But how can students acquire these new paradigms in the first place?  

·      Well, to start out, research shows that one needs to grab students’ attention at the very beginning of a lesson (Medina, 2008)After attention is captured, one needs to maintain it by following what is known as the Ten Minute Rule

·         An often overlooked component of excellent teaching is that of the affective realm.

·     It is not surprising that brain research and Invitational Education seem to go hand in hand concerning the pedagogical power of the emotive realm.


 I consider teaching to be a science, but I think it is also an art form. Every time a teacher walks into a classroom he or she should take their craft as seriously as a Shakespearean actor entering the stage.

The craft-like teachers reflect the first impression as when seem to someone for the first time.

Even though it is difficult to quantify. 

If we take care of our students, our mission of educating them will be greatly facilitated. Even though we may never be able to perfectly quantify good teaching

The efforts on our searching on the building of a delivery system are difficult to quantify because not only depending on the good teachings but also of the engage and dept aware from the students. Nevertheless is necessary to recognize that teachers take the major responsibility in education.


  1. It's not what you say or do, it's how you do it, thats what my mom always says, and it's true. Sometimes the emotion that you put in the lesson can change it all. I agree with your last line, teachers take the major responsability when it comes to education. Thank your for sharing your conclusion about the article, I also enjoyed it. Great job!

  2. Your blog is very ideal and tje references are helpful. It is like doing a thorough esearch with comprehensive answers. Your line " Every teacher has a deep need to search and to found the way more powerful and compelling in the process of delivery" is true. Learning is continuous process and we need to be learn how to adapt changes especially the job we have.


10/26/20 Week 7: Culture and Psychology

 Culture and Psychology Culture has a way of shaming people in situations where they would not be shame in other cultures The public transpo...